Have you ever wished for freedom from your mind? For peace and serenity from an overthinking mind that causes stress?
Do you feel that you could accomplish so much more if your anxiety wasn't standing in the way?
It's overwhelming to try and find the right method that will bring you the peace you desire. There are so many options and I know for myself, I was never quite sure if I was doing them right.
How do you achieve your lifelong desire for normalcy?
You see others accomplishing and defeating their anxiety but you are standing at the sidelines hoping for just a small piece of that healing.
You just want freedom from your mind, freedom to live your life as you desire, and freedom to chase your dreams.
Trust me, I get it. I've been where you are standing.
You can do this too! Just imagine if...
...You woke up and you could BREATHE, like fully breathe, without feeling a tightening in your throat.
...You were no longer scared of going out in public and having an anxiety attack. No longer had to worry about the embarrassment, or shame that we all associate with something we cannot fully control.
...You can finally stop struggling with feeling left out and feeling like you have to isolate yourself.
...You can have a clear and stable path in your life versus one filled with humongous speed bumps.
Yes, this is all possible for you! With this clear system of step-by-step instructions, you can have this life. You can conquer and thrive, like you were always meant too.
Hey there! I’m Rebecca.
I am your e-course instructor, and the owner of First Steps to Sanity. I founded First Steps to Sanity in 2019 to share a knowledge for breaking through barriers and demolishing your excuses. I am here to help you succeed and accomplish your dream life.
Back in 2011, I was officially diagnosed with severe generalized and social anxiety. I was having horrendous anxiety attacks that left me feeling defeated and completely useless. I had no motivation and felt extremely lost.
By 2017, they escalated to me being constantly sick, drained, and unable to complete the simplest of task. I was completely broken. I decided to search and strive for a better life, one that was worth getting up for in the morning.
Today, I have had less than 5 anxiety attacks since December 1st 2017. I created this course to teach you the steps I used to make this happen.
So even if you are in the same boat of feeling broken, defeated, and a failure, I want you to know that there is another way. You can overcome this, you were made to thrive and not just survive.